Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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204 lines
David Tolpin, dvd@Jet.Msk.SU.
pOt is an Oberon to C translator. It is derived from one-pass Wirth's
compiler described in "Project Oberon" and retains some of the
implementation limitations specific to that compiler.
pOt itself is written in Oberon (excluding three small
modules' implementation - Files.c, Reals.c and OS.c), and have
been successfully compiled under SunOS 4.1, FreeBSD, Linux and
MSDOS (using Turbo C 2.0).
pOt IS NOT Oberon-2 implementation. It is not that difficult to
implement the dialect, but I hate adding eclectic features to
Oberon. It implements a language that is very close to one
described in "Oberon Report" by Niklaus Wirth. There are maybe
some inconsistencies, as well as implementation limitations, but
mainly the cause for them is the pOt's genesis, not my changes.
Recently I compiled (with minor changes) Coco/R with pOt - it
works, however my Texts implementation relates a Text object to
a disk file, not to a memory buffer with direct access. By the
way, I don't like the way Coco/R is written (I mean the source
Garbage collector works for me well enough, and although it is
expensive, the overall result is satisfactory - I can translate
(on MSDOS machine with TC 2.0 compiled pOt) the whole pOt within
400 Kb of RAM; it requires to set GC threshold to 16 Kb, that
decreases the execution speed by 10%. With GC threshold set to
128 Kb and collecting between source files 460 Kb is more than
sufficient memory. (by the way, the executable itself is about
300 Kb, but I suspect that TC 2.0 stores public symbols' names in
pOt's output.
pOt produces three files for each source module (*.Mod)
*.Cym - symbol file,
*.c - C language source file,
*.h - external objects and types declarations (this file is
NOT included by *.c),
*.hi - static array that contains all string constants is
defined in this file, and *.c includes it.
New *.h created only if *.Cym is changed, thus, it is possible
to use c <- h file dependencies efficiently.
Main module for a program is created by shell script mkmain.sh,
and the script takes two arguments - the names of the module and
the exported procedure to call.
Environment settings.
When pOt (actually, any pOt compiled program using Files module to
handle files) tries to open an old file, it first looks for the
file in the current directory, then in directories listed in
POTLAND environment variable with obligatory trailing slashes.
Directory names' separator is slash (this work for MSDOS too),
paths' separator is semicolon for DOS, colon for UNIX.
New files are always created in the current directory.
pOt - the root directory
bin - compiled binaries
Docu - documentation files
lib - Oberon libraries
Core - core library and RTL
src - source code for pOt
Tests - if exists, may contain several simple Oberon programs
Scripts - some shell scripts
Using pOt.
Call to pOt has the following format:
"pOt" {("-"options|file|"@"parfile)" "}
where file is a source file name (with extension),
parfile is a name of a file from that command line parameters
are read (in which case all control characters (with 0 < code < 32)
are treated as separators),
options is a list of characters from the following set:
each character in either case corresponds to a different flag,
an upper-case character turns the corresponding flag on, a lower case
off. The flags (and their corresponding characters) are
F - wraps lines of C code so they almost fit
into 80 columns (default off),
H - allows generation of new C .h files (default off);
I - index check (default on),
L - if on, error messages are displayed inf format
<filename>(<line>,<col>) err|warning <errnum>
if off,
pos <posnum> err|warning <errnum> (default off);
M - include CR (CHR(13)) as the first character into
the line separator (default off);
N - generate line numbers (default off);
O - nil pointer dereference check (default on);
R - range check (default on);
S - allow generation of new symbol file (default off);
T - type checks (default on);
U - append NL (CHR(10)) to the line separator, if not
already appended (default on).
If both 'm' and 'u' are set, 'U' is assumed; setting these
flags to 'UM' forms the MSDOS line separator.
Errors and warnings are reported by number, the explanations are
listed in pOtErr.Txt, that is in Docu directory of the
Compiling C text and linking.
pOt produces ANSI C text, but the text is tricky enough to make some
compilers shout. Turn off warnings, they are completely
useless. pOtRTL.h must be made accessible via include path.
When linking a program containing Oberon modules, result of
compilation of pOtRTL.c must be included into the link list - it
is the pOt's runtime library. Usually, modules pOtRTL.c, OS.c,
Reals.c, and OS.c (these modules are written manually) are
composed into a pOtCore.(a|lib|so) library.
If a stand-alone Oberon program is created, a main module must
be created (supposedly by mkmain.sh) and included into the link
Important notes on implementation's limitations.
First, if a string is passed to an array value parameter that is
longer by more than 2048 elements than the string, error 244 is
reported. This maybe avoided by, e.g., copying the string (using
COPY function) to a character array variable and then passing
the variable. (COCD.Overhead sets the limit).
Second, a named string constant's value may not be set via
referencing to an imported constant. This is much weaker
limitation than Wirth's, according to which strings cannot be
exported at all.
Most other limitations are caused by sizes of corresponding
compiler's tables.
Minimum library.
The library (lib directory and subdirectories of the distribution)
contains several modules those may be useful. Since they are
usually 'demand written' I do not document them here.
Recent changes.
> So called "code procedures" will be used for that. The syntax is retained
> as it is implemented in Wirth's compiler, i.e. the name of the procedure
> is prepended with "-", and after the declaration a number is specified.
> e.g.,
> But the number is meaningless in my implementation.
> These procedures are translated into the calls to C procedures of the same
> name. It should be common practice to use them in conjuction with SYSTEM.ADR:
> MODULE Clib;
> END Clib.
> MODULE Test;
> VAR a:LONGINT; name,mode: ARRAY 100 OF CHAR;
> BEGIN name := "test"; mode := "r+";
> a := Clib.fopen(SYSTEM.ADR(name),SYSTEM.ADR(mode))
> END foo;
> END Test.
The possibility to insert untranslated calls to C-functions is added.
Here is an exerpt from my letter on the subject:
This release is intended for testing, so don't expect too much
from it. If you have any bug reports/suggestions please e-mail
them to any of the following addresses
letters in English, Russian/koi8 are OK. I understand German too,
but the answer will be in English. My wife knows French.
Please do not offer language extensions.
DT 31-Oct-94. Moscow.